In the top picture, light is the subject— based on an I Ching hexagram #30 aka fire over fire. “Fire” a physical elemental energy also stands for illumination, bright presence, radiance, brilliance, the eye, consciousness, awareness, warmth and light.
To describe this concept, the largest of three prisms, tear-shaped, sits centered inside a triangle. Two other prisms jut out from the bottom points of the triangle. Two curved arms extend below them, painted white and red, or white and violet. Red and purple are the alpha and omega of the color range when white light is split by a prism. Suspended between these arms is mobius strip held inside a white grid. Its red-violet color blends the farthest reaches of the color span, together.
Light itself is infinite.
Other sculptures interpret I CHING energy forms. The I CHING aka the Chinese BOOK OF CHANGES has 64 hexagrams describing typical yet different situations found in life.
Each hexagram is composed of two trigrams, named after elements of Nature (LAKE, MOUNTAIN, etc) that describe specific qualities of being. For example, THUNDER is shocking, WOOD / WIND penetration.
All in all, metamorphosis is the true form of all existence.