After 9/11 Series
Paintings on paper generated after 9/11/01 include song lyrics and poetry—some written by New York city poets; along with figurative forms based in archetypal serpent and god/dess imagery; the genetic code letters (A, C, G, T); and media pictures from America’s New War.
NO; 4’x 5′; poem by Steve Dalichinsky
Will You Be Mine?; 24″ x 36″
Compassion; 5’x 6′ ; newspicture: from Afganistan; lyrics: Political World by Bob Dylan
Something; 4’x 5′; poem: by Steve Dalichinsky
Year of the Snake; 4’x 6′; news picture: from World Trade Center site; poem: from September 1, 1939 by W.H. Auden
The EYEglasses — SONG Series
Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me, Heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose…..
Edith Piaf’s rational: “I’m looking at the world through rose-colored glasses” inspired the works of the Eyeglasses/ Song Series. We are Jekyll & Hyde— beings with dual mentalities, where left and right sides of our brain are assigned into logic and emotion ranges by science.
How does one “see”? The writing of songs or poems fuses passion into a form that brings what is being experienced into consciousness. The “eyeglasses” illustrate the mind’s function. Song lyrics are found in one frame and a chaotic form of graphics that represent an area of un-focused stimulation occur in the opposite frame.
Perhaps, when captivated by love we may be perceived to be acting in harmony.