Words on Peace Piece

DVD Video; Copyright © 2007 Lili White
Sound; Color; Length: 1:32 minutes

In 2006 the NY Filmmakers Co-Op put out a call for filmmakers to create a piece as a response to the current war in Iraq. This was a made for that call.
http://www.film-makerscoop.com/forlifeagainst.html for more info.

Words on Peace Piece was inspired by the following references:

“in Flanders field where poppies grow”

Flower chain made by children at Ljubljana’s National Gallery. Slovenia is the only nation where “Culture Day” is a national holiday.

C.G. Jung’s thought: only by dealing with one’s “shadow” side can one arrive at peace.

“Since it is universally believed that man is merely what his consciousness knows of itself, he regards himself as harmless and so adds stupidity to iniquity. He does not deny that terrible things have happened and still go on happening, but it is always ‘the others’ who do them. Even if, juristically speaking, we were not accessories to the crime, we are always, thanks to our human nature, potential criminals. None of us stands outside of humanity’s collective shadow. Whether the crime occurred many generations back or happens today, it remains the symptom of a disposition that is always and everywhere present and one would therefore do well to possess some ‘imagination for evil,’ for only the fool can permanently disregard the conditions of his own nature. In fact, negligence is the best means of making him an instrument of evil.” – C.G.Jung